A History of Two Claims on Deadwood Creek

Kathy I (FF54682) and Kathy II (ADL 332481)


Kathy I was staked on June 29, 1972 by Mary Lou Teel

The claim is shown in relation to other claims, none of which still exist.
However the two claims of Fred Wyatt staked crosswise rather than
along Deadwood Creek were restaked by Scott Thomas in 1996
as a single state claim ADL(MCL)571901.  Due to lack of information,
the supplemental plat of section 22 shows Kathy I roughly 1/2 mile
downstream from its actual location.

Note the proximity to MCL 571901.


On June 29, 1981, Mary Lou Teel, Dan Solecki and I staked Kathy II
measuring from corner post #1 of Kathy I


The claim is listed as being on a pup of Deadwood and on the bench.
On July 31, 2011 I searched for and found the location post for
Kathy I and obtained a GPS reading for the post at
65.504201° -144.854586°



Using his point I reconstructed the position of the two claims using
Google Earth.

and obtained these coordinates for the six points which
define the two claims.


Kathy I - 1 65.504201° -144.854586°
Kathy I - 2 65.501350° -144.859922°
Kathy I - 3 65.502449° -144.863388°
Kathy I - 4 65.505261° -144.858117°
Kathy II -1 65.501977° -144.847756°
Kathy II - 2 65.499185° -144.852956°


These points were then transferred to the USGS topi map using
TOPO, The National Geographic mapping program.